Computer Repairs

Fix your PC from our experts


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GH₵ 15



We take time to identify the specific problem with your PC.



We analyze the detected problem and prepares solutions.



We apply the best solution from our troubleshoot to fix your PC.


Hardware Services

Is there a problem with your System Unit, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, Laptop or any other component of a Computer? If you want to repair your computer, trust me, you are at the right place. Request a service to see its price.

Hardware Repair

Repair your faulty or damaged keyboard, mouse, or any repairable part of your computer.

Hardware Replacement

Replace faulty drives, damaged motherboards, memories, batteries, broken screens and more…

System Maintenance

Memories, VGA, Hard Drives, etc maintenance and upgrades to ensure smooth system functionality.


Software Services

Have you ever though of using your Computer as a phone? Are you stuck with a software installation? Is your PC running slow? Do you need a new operating system? We are here to help. You can even request a software from us. Request a service to see its price.

Operating System Installation

Get the latest version of Windows, Android or Linux OS running smoothly on your PC with latest update, fully activated and protected. Or request for OS Maintenance, Repairs, etc.

System Drivers Operations

Are you facing sound problems on your PC or Laptop? Contact our Software technicians for solution. Attempting unskilled driver updates can break your Operating System. 

Backup and Recovery Services

Did you recently lose your files? Or about to? Or haven’t lose files before? Whatever your answer is, don’t wait for that lesson. Our Backup and recovery service is there to help you.

Data Migration and OS Cloning

Migrating Gigabytes of files or an entire Operating System with thousands of files to another computer is no easy task due to data corruption. Contact us now for data or OS migration.

Virus Removal and System Security

Did got attacked by a strong computer virus or a Cyber threat which is a very high security risk. Shut down your PC and bring it to us immediately for solution. We will keep your data safe and protected.

Advanced Software Services

Is there any software problem we didn’t mention? Are you stuck with a software compilation, programming, or any other software problem. Our Software Engineers are there for you. We are always here to help.

Software Technical Support

Are you having problems with a specific software? It can be Adobe Photoshop, VLC Player, or any other software problem. Our Software Engineers are there for you. We are always here to help.