1.0.0 – Creative Intelligence

Studio 1.1.0

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

November 10, 2023 – Studio 1.1.0 was purposely released for the development and public release of our Nature branch. It also featured the design systems for our new upgrades system and its album arts.

New Upgrades System Album Art Flyers

We designed new flyers featuring the new upgrade system for the following platforms:

  • CISS GH Corporation Official
  • CISS GH Engineering
  • CISS GH Exploration
  • CISS GH Discovery
  • CISS GH Academy
  • CISS GH Design Studio
  • CISS GH Developers
  • CISS Security and Defense System
  • CISS GH Office

Introducing New UI Effects

In our space branch, we added animated borders to the main homepage to make it more interactive. The mission statement for our nature branch is to design the platform to be visually captivating. Since our design studio branch handles our platforms’ UI designs, we have launched the following UI effects in Studio 1.1.0 to match our nature mission statement:

  • Floating Effects
  • New Animation effects including entrance animation and styled button animation on hover.
  • New section UI designs.
  • Tooltips info buttons for previewing content before accessing. Enhanced user experience.

Introducing CISS Media Platform

We have added a Content Delivery Network (CDN) system for handling cross-branch CISS assets and media files. Making it easier to upload and access our media files from different servers in one place. Powered by CISS API.

Other Updates

  • Design Studio Branch homepage updated with new hero section images.
  • Our latest design text and divider were added to our design shortlist on the homepage. View more link added if you want to see all our designs.
  • CISS Design Studio Gallery UI updated. We added rounded borders, reduced image bottom padding, and increased column and row paddings.
  • We have updated our design studio’s gallery with our latest designs. You can see some of them on the homepage of our studio branch.
  • Design studio gallery’s single post view UI updated. Added border and bottom spacing to pagination.
  • Added What’s New to the navigation menus for easy access to our studio upgrades docs.


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Studio 1.1.0

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